Oct 15, 2010

When Your Break-Up Affects Your Health... What To Do

If you've recently been through-- or are in the middle of-- a relationship breakup or divorce, you might not be feeling like yourself...in many ways.
It could be that you are emotionally drained, feel more vulnerable, uncertain, fearful, sad, angry and a whole host of other emotions.
You may also feel physically ill and find that you come down with colds and flus more easily than you normally do. You might become worried that you've developed a serious illness or disease because you chronically feel sick.
Of course, we encourage you to visit your health care provider to check up on your physical health. But, we also want you to know that there are very real physical effects that go along with having a broken heart.
Some people who have been through a breakup or divorce feel more fatigued than they usually do and they find that they cannot sleep well.
Their immune systems may be weakened and, as a result, they come down with viruses and colds frequently.
Others may notice that they gain weight or lose weight after a breakup. Yet others have aches and pains and are nauseated much of the time.
What it comes down to is this...
When you've gone through-- or are still going through-- a breakup or divorce, you are probably more stressed out than you usually are.
You may be struggling with a whole host of difficult emotions and you might be trying to make life-altering decisions and find answers to challenging questions.
All of this causes stress and more stress.
And, when you are tense and stressed out for a significant period of time, your body will start to show it in physical ways.
Knowing that physical health symptoms can go along with the other effects of a broken heart can actually help you worry less and understand where you are more.
There are relatively easy and natural ways that you can soothe yourself and heal on both emotional and physical levels.
Again, we urge you to consult with your health care provider if you have any questions or concerns.
Treat yourself with extra patience and love.
Okay, so if you seem to have less energy than usual, remind yourself that you're dealing with some potentially heavy stuff right now.
If you owned a business and one of your employees had just been through a major life event such as a relationship breakup or divorce, you'd probably cut him or her a little slack, wouldn't you?
Treat yourself accordingly.
Yes, there are probably tasks and jobs that need to get done in order for you to continue to have a paycheck, keep your children and/or pets fed and cared for and your home clean and safe.
Even though there are essential things that need to get done-- and you may be the one who generally does them-- be especially patient and loving with yourself.
Make a list of the tasks and jobs that absolutely need to happen and how frequently. See if there is "wiggle room" with this list and ask yourself if there are others in your family or community who could temporarily help you.
We encourage you to put at the top of your "to do" list regular relaxation and/or meditation time.
The emotional, mental and physical health benefits of meditation and relaxation have been documented time and time again in scientific studies.
You could find a guided relaxation to listen to it once a day-- possibly before going to sleep at night. In fact,in our "How To Heal Your Broken Heart" program,an effective guided meditation especially created for helping you heal from your break-up is included.
You could also look up an easy meditation technique in books or online that you could try for even a short period of time each day.
Make relaxing a part of your daily routine and notice how you feel better and how your physical symptoms improve as a result.
Natural remedies for various broken heart ailments.
While there are scores of over-the-counter and prescription drugs that you can take for the unwanted physical symptoms you might have right now, there are also just as many (if not more) natural remedies that you can experiment with.
These can often be taken in addition to the regimen that your health care provider has prescribed for you and just all of them have little or no negative side effects.
Here are a few ideas to experiment with but be sure to ask your health care provider any questions you might have...
Drink herbal peppermint or ginger teas to settle your upset stomach. You can also take ginger in a pill form. Drinking about 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar just before meals can aid digestion.
Weak immune system:
Echinacea is an herb that can be found in pill or loose form and it boosts the immune system. Vitamins such as A, B and C are also effective immune system strengtheners. Leafy green vegetables and other whole fruits and vegetables will benefit your immune system and your overall health.
Try essential oils to help you fall asleep at night. Put a piece of fabric that has either lavender or chamomile essential oil on it next to your pillow.
Eat more whole foods and less processed and high sugar foods in order to increase your energy level. Caffeine only provides a short-term energy high. Instead, drink more water. It turns out that many people who feel fatigued, merely need more water. Take a multivitamin that can address deficiencies in your diet and help balance out stress.
Exercise is also a wonderful way to boost your energy. The endorphins released when your heart rate is increased in healthy ways can also strengthen your immune system, help you sleep better and release tension.
The bottom line here is that, in order to heal from a broken heart, it's vital that you take care of yourself in loving and nurturing ways. This will help you feel better emotionally and physically too.
To find out more, visit www.HowToHealYourBrokenHeart.com


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